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PCLinuxOS 2007

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It is intended not only for new users of the Linux operating system


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PCLinuxOS is a Linux distribution designed not only for new users of the Linux operating system. It was founded with the motto "Radically Simple", i.e. the power of simplicity. The developers stick to this motto and try to make it as easy as possible for users to work with the system. Another indisputable advantage is considered to be the method of updates, whereby versions of the system are not released as is common, but only continuously updated by users. Thus, the latest versions of the programs that have been included in the repository reach them.

Product details of PCLinuxOS
Version   2007
Producer  (software list)PCLinuxOS
Product page
Date of publication
Downloads a week0
All downloads6
Rating of LimeDownload.com413
Operating system
Platform-independent data
File size696,23 MB
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