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atbswp 0.3.0


Automate tasks using macros


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Atbswp is a program that allows you to automate tasks using macros. A macro is a recorded set of actions that you can repeat. Atbswp allows you to record actions from your keyboard and mouse and then play them back. You can also export a macro to an EXE file so you can run it on another computer. Atbswp is a simple program with an intuitive interface. It is ideal for automating simple tasks such as opening web pages, launching programs, or entering text.

Here are some examples of how you can use Atbswp:

- Automate the launch of programs when you start your computer.

- Open web pages you visit regularly.

- Enter text into forms or emails.

- Play video or music.

- And much more!

Atbswp is a great tool that can save you a lot of time and effort. If you are looking for a way to automate tasks on your computer, Atbswp is a great choice.

Product details of atbswp
Version   0.3.0
Producer  (software list)RMPR
Product page
Supported languageEnglish
Date of publication
Downloads a week0
All downloads0
Rating of LimeDownload.com20
Operating system
Windows 7/8/10
File size21,06 MB
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