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If you need to provide electronic documentation with a software package, try HelpScribble. With HelpScribble you can easily create professional WinHelp and HTML help files.You can use it together with any Windows development tool.
Allows you to create WinHelp (HLP) files, HTML Help (.chm) files, printed manuals and online documentation (for the web), all from the same HelpScribble project.
Product details of HelpScribble | |
License | free to try |
Version | 8.3.2 |
Limitations | demo |
Producer (software list) | Just Great Software Co. Ltd. - Jan Goyvaerts |
Product page | |
Supported language | English |
Date of publication | |
Downloads a week | 0 |
All downloads | 89 |
Rating of | 1 |
VirusTotal check | Check of the day 11.08.2024, the file is 100% virus free |
Operating system | Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 |
File size | 7,83 MB |
Installation | yes |
Uninstallation | yes |
download HelpScribble | |
1. | Highlight | 8 |
2. | Resource Hacker | 4 |
3. | HelpNDoc | 4 |
4. | .NET Framework | 3 |
5. | PDF Creator Pilot | 3 |
6. | Adobe AIR | 3 |
7. | R for Windows | 3 |
8. | Jailer | 3 |
9. | CommitMonitor | 3 |
10. | Pyarmor | 3 |
11. | WizFlow Flowcharter | 2 |
12. | Precision Builder Express | 2 |
13. | BB TestAssistant | 2 |
14. | Agena | 2 |
15. | Virtual Null Modem | 2 |
16. | RText | 2 |
17. | gwebcmd | 2 |
18. | CodeLite | 2 |
19. | wxCrafter | 2 |
20. | Key Presser | 2 |