Deskgram is an easy way to upload photos and videos to Instagram from your computer. Just sign in to your Instagram account and start uploading. Deskgram supports uploading photos up to 1440x1800 pixels and videos up to 960x1200 pixels. There's also a built-in feature for cropping photos and videos, adding captions, tagging people, and assigning the location of the shot. In addition, you can upload up to 10 photos or videos at a time.
Deskgram is a great way to upload multiple photos and videos to Instagram at once. It is also a great way to upload high resolution photos and videos. If you're looking for an easy and convenient way to upload photos and videos to Instagram, Deskgram is a great choice.
It supports uploading photos and videos in a variety of formats, including JPG, PNG, GIF, and MP4.
Product details of Deskgram | |
License | free |
Version | 4.4.35 |
Producer (software list) | Deskgram |
Product page | |
Supported language | English |
Date of publication | |
Downloads a week | 0 |
All downloads | 0 |
Rating of | 0 |
VirusTotal check | Check of the day 02.09.2024, the file is 100% virus free |
Operating system | Windows 7/8/10 |
File size | 300,73 KB |
Installation | no |
Uninstallation | no |
download Deskgram | |