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D3D Enforcer

D3D Enforcer 1.1.1


Edit Direct3D settings


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 D3D Enforcer

D3D Enforcer is a tool that allows you to customize Direct3D settings for selected applications. It can inject custom DLLs into the target process, which allows it to change Direct3D settings such as the presentation interval (VSync), number of back buffers, swap effect, and number of frames in the render queue.

VSync is a setting that ensures that the application only displays frames at well-defined intervals. This can help reduce image tearing, but can also reduce performance. D3D Enforcer allows you to turn VSync on or off and also set the presentation interval.

The back buffer number is the number of buffers the application uses to store images before displaying them. A higher number of back buffers can help reduce image tearing, but can also consume more memory. D3D Enforcer allows you to set the number of back buffers.

Swap effect is the way an application displays images on the screen. There are several different swap effects, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. D3D Enforcer allows you to select the swap effect you want to use.

D3D Enforcer is a utility that allows you to adjust Direct3D settings for selected applications. It can help you improve performance, reduce image tearing, and customize Direct3D settings to your needs.

Product details of D3D Enforcer
Version   1.1.1
Producer  (software list)MSxDOS
Product page
Supported languageEnglish
Date of publication
Downloads a week0
All downloads0
Rating of LimeDownload.com20
Operating system
Windows 7/8/10
File size77,81 KB
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